I've been a mommy for almost a week now and I now realize what exactly people mean when they say a baby changes everything. It's amazing how quickly you fall in love with a little baby. It's fun to look at Jameson and see how he looks like Dan and me. I think he's got Dan's chin. His hair looks like the kind of hair I was born with.
When I first met Jameson I didn't realize how tiny newborns really were. He was a typical weight ( 7lbs 9 oz) but still was so tiny. I had been thinking that we had way too many size "newborn" onesies. Boy, was I wrong! The kid goes through onesies like they're going out of style and I'm glad I have those tiny ones. For his going home outfit, Dan bought a size 3 month onesie for Jameson. It was the smallest we could find and I thought it would fit him perfectly. It pretty much swallowed him up, but it was so cute.
One of my favorite moments with Jameson are when he opens his eyes. This isn't often because it seems like he sleeps 90% of the time, but on the rare occasion where he's awake and alert, there is nothing like him looking up at me with those adorable eyes. He does this a lot when he eats and it melts my heart.
Another of my favorite moments is when Jameson lies on my stomach with his head nuzzled under my chin. He folds himself into a little ball, probably a lot like he was when he was in my tummy. His little legs cross and curl under his body and his little fists tuck under his chin. He would sleep like this for hours if you let him.
So far, having a baby has been a lot of fun. Sure, our house has been invaded by burp cloths, random socks, onesies, blankets, and bottle parts, but it is all worth it.