Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Ukraine Journal Part II-Love the Attention

These kids love attention. That is not a surprise at all. They don't get much. It was so neat to see thm appear one at a time each day, and then all of a sudden mob us. Somehow, word spread very quickly at the orphanage. One kid saw us and somehow got word out to the others. They would quickly appear in groups and then mass numbers. Each member of our team was attacked by the kids that we had begun really developing relationships with. Then there were others who wanted to talk with each of us. Some wanted attention. Some wanted to practice (show off) their English skills (hello, how are you?), and some wanted to make fun of us and our lack of ability in using the Russian language. I am pretty certain that we were called some names and cursed at this week. I am also pretty certain that I cursed a few times. I tried so hard to learn as much Russian as possible this week. When they said words to me, I would do my best to repeat them. I figured I had been suckered when they began to laugh hysterically and high five their friends after my attempt to speak Russian. Oops.

Coming Next: My Ukraine Journal Part III-The Impossible Relationships

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