Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Ukraine Journal Part IV-The Relationships That Did

Toward the end of the week, some of the kids became permanently attached to us. The ons that we really developed relationships with began to trust us and love us, so they wanted our attention. This was extremely encouraging, but at the same time, discouraging. The encouragement came from seeing these kids happy. It came from the smiles on their faces. It came from their hugs. It came from hearing, "Dan," shouted from down the hallway or up the stairs, and then the fast footsteps as they ran to us. The encouragement also came from the trust these kids had in us. They did not have much hope in life. Many could not trust their parents. They could not trust many of the other orphans, as stealing runs wild through the orphanage. For many of the children, we were the only people they could trust. Seeing that develop in such a short time was very encouraging.
The discouragement came from knowing that we were only there for a few days. After that, we too would leave them, and with us the hope, happiness and trust. It is heartbreaking to think of these children not smiling much in just a few days. They'll be back to survival mode, and they won't have those bright spots anymore.

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